Mufti Menk Quran Lectures

by Muslim Central


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Get free access to over 300 audio lectures by Mufti Ismail Musa Menk. Ismail Musa Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. He was tutored by his father who is a well known scholar and Da’ee.He completed his hifz and recitation courses at an early age and learnt the Arabic and Urdu languages whilst studying Shariah under his father. At the same time he attended an Academic College in Harare where he completed his secondary secular education. He then attained a degree in Shariah from the University of Madinah and later specialised in Iftaa at Darul Uloom Kantharia in Gujarat.
1. Mixed Lectures2. Life of Prophet Muhammad3. Stories of the Prophets4. Reasons of Revelation5. Pearls of Peace6. The Companions
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